Yes, it´s true! One beautiful June Friday we celebrated the 25th anniversary of Selectra's entry in the Commercial Register (it means it is in fact a bit older, but we should tactfully be quiet about the actual age).
Well, today it seems to be a long time ago this amazing young lady used to have her first stumbling steps, a phase of great discoveries and surprises, as well as a few adolescent fluctuations, as we all do have an experience with...
But there beats one strong and pure heart inside of her. A clear and genuine intention. A dream come true.
She is very lucky that she has been accompanied by lots of amazing people on her way. Although their paths have often diverged, they all are still a part of its spirit. All this helped her clarify who she is and where and with whom she wants to go ahead.
Let's keep our fingers crossed and have patience with her for a while longer.
She is growing up into an amazing lady we can count on!
A part of our Dream team just three minutes before getting completely wet.
Birthday cake
Birthday garden party